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Cuba Calls for Protests at EU Embassies (Gelesen: 2729 mal)
12. Juni 2003 um 15:24
errue   Ex-Mitglied

Cuba Calls for Protests at EU Embassies

.c The Associated Press

HAVANA (AP) - Cuba's government called for hundreds of thousands of people to protest outside the Spanish and Italian embassies Thursday after accusing the European Union of aligning itself with the United States and the island's dissidents.

Using tough language usually reserved for criticizing Washington, Foreign Minister Felipe Perez Roque on Wednesday accused the Spanish government of funding dissident groups ``the superpower is trying to organize in our country,''

Perez Roque singled out Madrid's Spanish Cultural Center in Havana, saying that in coming days ``Cuban authorities will take the appropriate measures to convert this center into an institution that truly meets the noble aim of popularizing Spanish culture.''

The foreign minister also criticized the Italian Embassy for eliminating several cultural and cooperation programs to protest a crackdown on the opposition and the firing-squad executions of three men who tried to hijack a ferry to the United States.

As many as 1 million Cubans are expected at the protests Thursday, the government said.

The mobilizations and the prepared statement Perez Roque read to reporters Wednesday were Cuba's official reaction to the European Union's recent announcement it was reviewing policies toward the island.

In Brussels, Belgium, EU spokesman Diego de Ojeda declined Wednesday to specifically address Cuba's charges, instead repeating the bloc's current stance toward the island.

``Our main objective is to integrate Cuba back into the community of democratic and market economy nations, of which Cuba is an exception in her neighborhood,'' De Ojeda said. ``In the best interest of both Cuba and ourselves and Cuban citizens, we need Cuba to at the very least respect a minimum standard of the most basic human rights.''

In Madrid, the office of Spanish Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar did not immediately return a call seeking comment. Spanish Foreign Minister Ana Palacio said in Brussels that EU decisions are taken ``by consensus.''

In its statement Thursday, the European bloc said it was ``deeply concerned about the continuing flagrant violation of human rights and of fundamental freedoms of members of the Cuban opposition and of independent journalists.''

EU members unanimously agreed to cut down on high-level governmental visits, reduce participation of member states in cultural events on the island and review relations overall.

During his tour of Latin America this week, Secretary of State Colin Powell expressed hope the United States and European Union would forge a common front to encourage Cuba to permit dissent.

In April, 75 activists were sentenced to prison terms ranging from six to 28 years on charges of being mercenaries working with U.S. diplomats here to subvert the island's socialist system. Both the dissidents and U.S. officials deny the allegations.

After a string of hijackings during the same period, three men who tried to hijack a ferry were put to death by firing squad after a quick trial on terrorism charges.

In the United Nations, the founder of an independent library movement in Cuba called for nations to denounce Fidel Castro's crackdown on dissidents.

Ramon Colas, a former political prisoner invited to meet President Bush at the White House on May 20, said Castro's crackdown hasn't ended with the arrest of 75 activists.

``Now others are being arrested,'' he told a news conference sponsored by the U.N. Correspondents Association. ``We're knocking on all doors to plead to the world to help us so that we can avoid a greater tragedy in Cuba.''
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Antwort #1 - 25. Juni 2003 um 10:48

uwe   Offline

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Beiträge: 1895
auch die pds protestiert:

Die Teilnehmer der Landesversammlung der AG Cuba si geben folgende Erklärung ab:

Die Charta der Vereinten Nationen erkennt ausdrücklich das Recht der Völker auf Wahl ihres politischen Systems an und schreibt das Recht der Völker auf Selbstbestimmung und das Prinzip der Gleichheit zwischen den Staaten fest. Wir fragen: Gilt das für Cuba nicht?

Eine Zeit lang schien es so, als würde die Europäische Union eine eigenständige, ihren Interessen entsprechende Politik gegenüber Cuba verfolgen. Sie erreichte damit z.B. die Nichtanwendung einiger Aspekte des  Helms-Burton-Gesetzes, was die Auswirkungen der US-amerikanischen Wirtschafts- und Finanzblockade auf Cuba milderte.
Jetzt aber ordnet sich die EU vollends den Wünschen der US-Regierung unter und kündigt an, politische und kulturelle Beziehungen zu Cuba einzuschränken und ihre Position allgemein zu überprüfen. Es ist der Gipfel, dass in Zukunft diplomatische Vertretungen von EU-Staaten auf Cuba zu ihren offiziellen Anlässen sog. „Dissidenten“ einladen werden, d. h. von aus dem Ausland finanzierte Gegner des cubanischen Staates.

Wir protestieren auf das Entschiedenste dagegen, daß sich die EU der Politik der USA gegenüber Cuba anschließt und beabsichtigt, ihre diplomatischen Vertretungen zu subversiven Tätigkeiten gegen den souveränen und völkerrechtlich anerkannten Staat Cuba zu missbrauchen. Wir fordern, die am 05.06.2003 verkündeten Maßnahmen zurückzunehmen und die Beziehungen zu Cuba zu normalisieren und auszubauen.

i.A. Ingeborg Giewald
Sprecherin der AG Cuba sí Thüringen,
Brückla, den 15.6.2003

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