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Willkommen im Kubaforum!!
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www.travelblog.org - Internationaler Reiseblog (Gelesen: 1595 mal)
02. Januar 2006 um 22:28
alina   Ex-Mitglied

Bunter Reiseblog mit Einträgen aus vielen Ländern.


Hier der letzte Eintrag von zwei gutgläubigen norwegischen Täubchen.   Zunge Zunge


Laut lachend Laut lachend Laut lachend Laut lachend

Ihr Fazit:

few traveling advices for those who want to go to Cuba:

1. Live in a Casa Particular. Its absolutely the cheapest and the best standard accomodation.

2. Bring your own snacks! supermarkets are non-exicting on Cuba.

3. Pirattaxis are alot cheaper than taxis. And hichhiking is also a good way to travel as this is a very much used and relatively safe way to travel on Cuba.

4. Eat at your casa particular. Food is a funny experience here. And the standard and prices are best in cuban homes.

5. Get to know the locals, but expect to get ripped off. Remember that it is still communism there. If they have anything to share, they will. But they expect you to act likewise:)

Laut lachend Laut lachend Laut lachend

PS So mag ich's: unschuldige Blondinen werden auf hardgesottene Jineteros losgelassen.

Laut lachend Laut lachend Laut lachend

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